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Na venčanjima je sve u znaku ljubavi, što često predstavlja teret onima koji su solo... Pročitajte neke od najčešćih stvari koje izluđuju oženjene muškarce. Da li ste se ustručavali da se opustite u razgovoru samo da biste veštački zadržali atmosferu i održali vezu? Problem je što se ta nezrelost teško uočava na početku veze, dok partneri još uvek pokušavaju da se pokažu u najboljem svetlu, upozoravaju psiholozi...

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The Best Sexual Positions for Satisfying Sex

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When it comes to the bedroom, even millennials stick to tried-and-true sex moves, a recent SKYN Condoms survey of more than 3,000 men and women aged 18 to 34 years old. Try using a very slippery silicon-based lubricant, which may allow you to thrust longer before reaching orgasm.

Also try: Lean a dressing mirror against a wall to the side of your body so you can enjoy the view of her going down on you from the side versus top down. Sex Position: Seated Wheelbarrow Also known as: Wheelbarrow At Rest Benefits: Less strenuous than the standing varieties of this sex position, while still offering intense sensation. Also try: Because thrusting is more difficult in this position, use different techniques such as grinding, circular, and up-and-down motions for added stimulation.

The Best Sexual Positions for Satisfying Sex - Also try: Synchronize your breathing.

Hey, it's okay to ask. Whether you're completely new to sex or looking for innovative ways to spice things up with your partner or partners , we've put together a collection of the best sex positions, tips, and expert advice, from foreplay to sex game ideas to how long you should really last in the bedroom. Take notes and study hard; your better sex life begins now. Let's start things off on the right foot. Amp up the excitement in the bedroom with a simple sex game. Feedback is important in the during sex. It's time to learn how to talk it out. Here's a 4-step guide to build stamina during sex. Here's why you shouldn't treat every sexual encounter like a damn marathon. Although it isn't a sprint, either. This might come off as hippy or holistic, but taking control of your breath is the most direct way to have better sex. Here are three techniques to master it. If you feel stressed out, weak, and lethargic in the bedroom, it will show. Here's how to tailor a workout specifically for your sex life. You can try all the positions you want, or you can call up the world's foremost sex doctors and ask them for their one surefire trick in the bedroom. Here's what they said. Make sure you're up-to-speed on the most luxurious adult toys you can enjoy together. Lisa Taddeo has a few suggestions on what a man is expected to do. Here are some scientific guidelines on what we should be shooting for. Start out facing each other in the Yab-Yum position, which is you cross-legged and her sitting in your lap facing you, with our foreheads touching. Then, synchronize your breathing. Oh, and there's more. The sexually wise will tell you that cold, hard, wet locations like showers, pools, and Buffalo, New York, are just about the worst places to have sex. The best way to spice up your sex life, according to people who think about your sex life, is to simply start your seduction earlier in the day. Here's how to find it. Watching porn with a partner can be weird. It can also be a relationship builder—a weird relationship builder. Well, almost every way. The key to better sex—and longer erections and doubled testosterone—is all in your breathing. You have no excuse not to make an active—and satisfying—sex life a priority.

36 Sex Positions Everyone Should Try in Their Lifetime - For women's
Oh, and there's more. Once in the saddle, she can can ride up and down on your penis by pressing with her legs or knees. You have no excuse not to u an active—and satisfying—sex life a priority. This one brings you both to the same level to totally eliminate that issue. Here's what they said. Hot tip: Let your tongue rest firmly and flat against the full length of her vaginal entrance, then have her move and grind against your print. Technique: Sit on a chair or the edge of the bed. The contrast between the soft flesh of the tongue and hard bone of the finger will create a pleasing sensation. Adjust your position so you are more on top of her top hip than behind her.

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